
Tuesday 16 December 2014

Being A Winner : Overcoming The Pressure


Want to be a winner? What will you do when the pressure starts mounting? When your friends and family start expecting too much from you, I know you've been there. You knew you were inches away from accomplishing your dream... And all your hard work and all the pain you went through, all for nothing.. !

You don't want this to happen to you do you? 

Monday 8 December 2014

NSS Camp : 2014

Hello Everyone. It's been a long time. I'll be blogging regularly from now on. All my exams are over and I'm finally back home!

Lavish Mansion
By Monster4711 (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

Ok, this isn't my home. But after living in a hostel, my home does feel this good.

If you've never lived in a hostel before, trust me, there will come a day when you'll actually be dying to eat the food your mom cooks everyday. You'll actually prefer it over Pizza Hut and CCD. And if you think I'm lying or exaggerating, ask someone who is living in a hostel presently.